An Inspirational Message - Creating Love in Your Life

2 months ago

Let's have this conversation you and I

If I said you are the most important person in the world would you agree with me? If not why not?

I am speaking to you, and you are listening to me and because you are listening, I hold you in very high regard.

This Law of attraction is how we all connect and, in this connection, we are truly all one yet express independently and uniquely.

Love is this time of connection where we forget our uniqueness and our independence and in that space the two become one.

Everything around you is an expression of you and in the times of disconnection it doesn't seem that way or appear that way but in the times of connection life flows and happiness allows the smile on your face.

Cherish those times of connection and gently let go of that which creates fear and sorrow,

This life is short and in our time together just remember we are all created by a divine intelligent consciousness that preceded matter and as matter fades away as it must the consciousness of us all is eternal.

Remember who you are and in that remembrance, you will know only you can present the love that emanates from you if you allow it, this is your power.

I've enjoyed my conversation with you the most important person in the world and the happiness you give the world rests entirely on your shoulders.

This is how we create Love true love in our life.

Your journey has just begun...


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