Article 4924 Video - International Public Notice: Reply to Germany By Anna Von Reitz

7 months ago

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Article 4924 Video - International Public Notice: Reply to Germany - Saturday, July 6, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

The problem in Germany and in all other illegally occupied countries including The United States has been caused by being "represented" by British Territorial (USA, Inc.) Persons who are themselves limited by their allegiance (feudal fealty) to the British Monarch, who is a vassal of the Pope.

They, the Occupiers, have no land rights and are permanently at sea, so their Monarch takes over as their Trustee on the land and soil, but if the Monarch vacates the land and soil, as the Brits have done circa 1703, the jurisdiction of the land and soil is vacated entirely and the law of those jurisdictions is also.

The last land and soil jurisdiction Queen of England was Queen Anne (1702-14). The land and soil of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales has been vacated for over 300 years and they are now scrambling and going in all directions trying to make up for their deceit -- to their own people and everyone else.

Technically, with the thrones of those nations secretly vacated, those countries have not existed for 300 years. That's why all of a sudden you hear about "King Charles of Scotland" and the Irish Clan Government, and our push for people everywhere to declare their birthright political status and realize that they are not "citizens" of these corporations and not subject to their foreign, private, corporate tribunals that were brought ashore under conditions of secrecy and deceit.

All these courts operate in either Maritime Commerce or Admiralty jurisdiction.

This is why their judges fall silent when we bring land law or soil law into their courts, or mention the Constitutional Guarantees we are heir to and which they actually owe us.

They know that we have concurrent superior general jurisdiction, but out of loyalty to the Pope (in Municipal Courts) or the British Monarch (sea courts) --- not to mention their own bottom lines, as they collect booty and prize money on the side --- these officers have bullied it through and acted as privateers.

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