Scientists Have An Update On Betelgeuse You Shouldn't Miss

7 months ago

The supernova of Betelgeuse is one of the most awaited astronomical events. #Betelgeuse is a red supergiant star in the constellation of #Orion. It is on its deathbed. It is 550 light years away from us.

In 2019, Betelgeuse mysteriously started dimming. Although it's a semi-variable star that brightens and darkens over 400 days, it showed unusual behavior in 2019. The red supergiant plummeted to 35% of its brightness, which led many to speculate that the end of the star is near.

However, after months of research, astronomers have figured out the reason behind the mysterious dimming of Betelgeuse. Will Betelgeuse undergo a #supernova anytime soon?

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