An Honest Politician

23 days ago

Doesn't Exist. And Just For The Record. Trumps Agenda 2025 Looks The The Most Fascist Nightmare Plan I've Seen Since Hitlers Nazi Germany. TDS Runs Both Ways. This Lying Ass POS "Father Of The Vaccines" Will Rally His Brainwashed Supporters To Complete The Final Stage Police State In America. The Same Idiots Supporting Israel Now. The Same Idiots That Still Think Their Vote Matters. They Are Playing All You Fools Like Fiddles.
Keeping This Debt Slave Police State System Intact And Fucktioning Better Than Ever.
The Only Choice Is No Choice. Stop Paying For & Participating In Your Own Slavery. By Playing Their Game The Republic Can Never Be Restored And The Corporation Rules. Period, It's A Fact. The Entire System Is Corrupted. You Think Voting For A President, Even If He Wasn't One Of Two Lying Sacks Of Shit, Can Actually Change That ?! If So, You're A Fool.

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