From the Left's meltdown to the Clown Show they call The View

6 months ago

The Left has officially gone off the deep end. Now they’re calling for violence.And an unhinged Democrat threatened the Supreme Court with assassination in an MSNBC interview.Given Monday’s presidential immunity decision, a California lawmaker questioned whether President Biden might send in the military to “take out” conservative Supreme Court justices while remaining immune to prosecution.Rep. Zoe Lofgren, D-Calif., proposed the argument as a hypothetical scenario on MSNBC in response to the Supreme Court’s ruling in Trump v. United States.

Under the Biden administration, federal agents at northern U.S. ports of entry and small towns along the U.S.-Canadian border are still struggling to thwart illegal activities.

Political violence is out of hand. And it’s only going to get worse.Because a federal prosecutor has advised Joe Biden to ‘take out’ Donald Trump in an unthinkable crime.The wake of the U.S. Supreme Court decision to provide Donald Trump and any U.S. president some immunity from criminal prosecution from acts committed for the office of the president saw the Left lose their marbles. They immediately started making this about Trump and how he is going to use this to become a dictator and do anything he without consequences
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