July 6, 2024

3 months ago

It is time to silence the critics who attempt to make a mockery of our skepticism regarding the contents of the H1N1 vaccine. I will attempt to prove conclusively, once and for all, which side of this raging debate is true or false. Here is one video worth watching. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0JqQyl09zQ

Even if the current H1N1 "vaccine" is not the evil concoction many believe it is, the fear campaign being waged by our government through their puppets in the news media is in fact intended to fabricate a case in favor of legislation requiring us to submit to mandatory injections any time the government sees fit, thereby laying the groundwork for further experiments using us as their guinea pigs and population control before any of us ever knows what hit us.

Koolaid anyone?

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