I AM PRIMARY SOURCE # 60 7-14-24

8 months ago

The TRUTH, the INSIGHT, the TOOLS of the POWER to PROTECT Who and What is of God – and to cleanse the Earth. – are being DELIVERED in the NEXT FIVE POSTS!

Jesus shares with us that enough of mankind throughout the world are responding to the I AM, Our Divine Parent that a New Threshold has been reached. And a new DISPENSATION is coming forth.

He is calling this Gift from God - ALPHA & OMEGA - ; because it involves a much higher, conscious participation with the Christ and Holy Spirit toward the raising of mankind and the clean-up of the Earth.

We are being invited to serve in direct contact with God the I AM, Jesus, and the Hosts of Light.

Are you willing to?:

Use these tools wisely. Use them within Divine Love. Be part of the Eternal Victory.


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