B546 - Jun 23, 2024 Bible Islands

7 months ago

God’s Word tells us that everything in it is for our benefit and should be read and studied for building our faith and not ignored for just the more popular topics.

In this Study we look at islands in the New Testament that were destinations for missionaries that traveled and worked with the Apostle Paul.

Paul and Barnabus started their missionary work on the island of Cyprus, visiting the Hebrew synagogues and preaching the good news of the Hebrew messiah that had arrived in Israel.

In the NT letter from Paul to Titus, Titus is instructed to work with the believers on the Island of Crete and to select mature men and women to appoint as their leaders.

The Island of Melita appears in the Book of Acts as the location of the last shipwreck for the Apostle Paul on his trip to Rome for his day in court before a Roman ruler. A few years later, Titus ends up being sent back to that same area by Paul to support the believers in the Dalmatia Islands of Croatia.

The last Island in this study was the rocky prison rock called Patmos. The Apostle John was sent to Patmos as punishment by the Romans for preaching the Gospel and received the vision of Yeshua, while he was serving his time on the Island.

Trust in Yehovah with all of your heart and do not trust in your own abilities. Cry out to Yeshua and accept His free gift of redemption for your life and be filled with the Holy Spirit of Yehovah. Trust in the Plan that will never fail!

PDF Outline for B546: http://gofile.me/5EF9u/I59Kk0bDE (BFGC)

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Sanctify the Name of Yehovah the Father in all the World

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