The Time 4 Hemp Global April 20, 2020 420 Lovefest - Part 07 of 11

5 months ago

On April 20, 2020 - Casper Leitch gathered together with his friends to enjoy the Cannabis Movement’s official holiday. Some of the biggest names in the legalization movement joined in at every 4:20 across 24 different time zones on 4/20/2020.

This is the first time an event of this nature ever occurred through an internet video conference. THIS EVENT WAS A LIVE, GLOBAL 24-HOUR EVENT and nearly the entire conference was recorded.

This segment features:

00:00:00 - Gary Chiles and Dr. Joseph Rosado - Author of ‘Hope and Healing’ open this segment.

00:01:16 - Dr. David Ostrow - Scientific Consultant to the Medical Cannabis Industry joins the broadcast.

00:30:14 - Marc Emery - Founder of Cannabis Culture Magazine joins the broadcast.

00:59:11 - Michael Krawitz rejoins the broadcast.

01:18:33 - Lennice Werth - Advisory Board Member at Patients Out of Time joins the broadcast.

01:35:47 - Al Byrne and Mary Lynn Mathre rejoin the broadcast.

Visit to view the full 420 Lovefest.

#GaryChiles #JosephRosado #DavidOstrow #MarcEmery #MichaelKrawitz #LenniceWerth #CasperLeitch #Time4Hemp

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