7 EXTRAORDINARY Abandoned Military Sites

8 months ago

"From strange radio stations in the Italian Alps, to this mysterious pyramid in North Dakota; these are 7 EXTRAORDINARY Abandoned Military Sites

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7. Tonopah Air Base | Nevada

Tonopah Nevada is a tiny town located midway between Reno and Las Vegas, with a current population of 2,400 people, Tonopah has had its fair share of decline.

Founded in 1900, the town sprung up after the discovery of silver in the area. At one point, it was considered the second richest silver strike in Nevada, but too many people tried to make too much money. Not even 15 years later, the town population decreased by 50 percent.

The main source of income for the town since the 40s was the Tonopah Test Range and the Tonopah Air Base.

As for the Tonopah Test Range, it is a favorite spot of conspiracy theorists, but that's a story for another day.

6. 20th Guards Bomber Aviation Regiment | Russia
How’s this for a change of scenery ? From the deserts of Nevada, we travel to the middle of nowhere Russia. DISCLAIMER. I am not sure this is 100% true information, but from the research I did, it makes the most sense.

The pictures we are looking at here were taken by a Russian photographer who did not disclose any information about the location of the place. Reverse image searches did not help either. After some time I stumbled across a forgotten airfields website.

They claim that the small Kamenka air base was active between 1929 and 1998, the last regiment to be stationed there was the 20th Guards Bomber Aviation Regiment, from 1994 to 1998. Subsequently, the aircraft were retired to the Voronezh Military Airfield. I believe the pictures are from there, considering the regiment consisted of 30 Su-24 Fencer fighter bombers, it makes sense. What do you think ? Here is a picture or two for comparison, sure looks like Su-24s to me.

5. NATO Troposcatter Monte Giogo | Italy
Let's stick around Europe a little while longer, located in the mountains of Northern Italy, the ACE HIGH Station Livorno Monte Giogo was built during the 50s, as part of the Allied Command Europe System. Yep, these giant antennas were used for better long range communications and nothing more.

Abbreviated to ACE HIGH, the fixed service NATO radio communication system had 82 stations in 9 countries all over Europe. There was 18 stations in Italy alone.

By 1980, the program was completely shut down due to the advent of satellite communication, and for the most part, each ACE HIGH site was abandoned without a care in the world.

I wonder what the total cost of this project was ? I can’t find any numbers on it, but for comparison, there was a similar system built in Alaska.

Called the White Alice Communications System, the network was built and operated by the U.S. Air Force and it consisted of 80 radio stations. Not all of them were built, and not all of them were big, but for only 31 sites, the costs ballooned to over $300 million.

So yeah, to sum it up, billions of dollars were spent on technology that was rendered useless in the span of 20 years. That sucks.

4.Angel Island | California

3.Fuchū Air Base | Japan

2. RAF Woodbridge | England

The Royal Air Force Woodbridge Base was built in 1943, its main purpose being an airfield that could be used by distressed aircraft returning from raids over Germany.

Fun fact, to dissipate the fog around the landing strip, pipes were pumping 120,000 gallons (450,000liters) of petrol per hour, as it burned, the wall of flames created would lift the fog. Pretty crazy right ?

So from 1943 to 1948 the base was controlled by the RAF, then from 1952 to 1993 it was the United States Air Force. After the end of the Cold War, RAF Woodbridge was deactivated,

Since 2006, parts of the base have been in full operation, under the control of the British Army.

Without a doubt, the strangest thing to happen here is the so called Rendlesham Forest incident in which USAF personnel, including the deputy base commander, described seeing UFOs flying above the base.

The two sightings in the winter of 1980 are probably the most well documented UFOs in England. What do you think ? Should I make a video about unbelievable UFO Sightings ? Comment below and give me a suggestion for a future video !

1. Safeguard Complex Missile Site Radar | North Dakota"

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