Brake Better Than Stock 1978-88 G-Body Cars - Episode 2

7 months ago

This video is the Second of Three part series that relates to brakes for 1978-88 Gbody cars. in this one we talk about the second option better than your worn out and old / horrible stopping brakes. this is the best mid range level setups but does require modification and will not just bolt up with no fabrications.

** All options in this series require longer than stock length wheel studs and wont fit with 14inch oem wheels. Must upgrade to at least 16inch wheels minimum for rear disc only or 17inch wheel minimum Front only or for front and rears setup**

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Here's links of some of the parts from this video.
brake brackets & emergency cable brackets
the 17inch or bigger wheels in the video
factory style gta/gnx 16x8 wheels

Here's links
G-body companies i use & trust for parts
#1 dixie restoration depot
#2 gbody parts
#3 mikes montes
#4 quick performance racing ( rear end parts)

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