
7 months ago

(NE Part 1) This title is from a bunch of Russian game developers that was never released in the West and explores the mind, flaws in governmental agencies, and the essence of human nature. This is a tall order for any artist or thinker to deal with, much less put it into an easy to digest and entertaining format like a video game. This game was made in 2006 and never translated to English, yet a couple of years ago a Taiwanese company got a hold of this game, went line by line translating exactly from Russian to English, and made this game run on a modern operating system. This is a miracle in video game form that not many people even know about. Enjoy!

{Editors' Note: Huge shout out to Tehsnakerer on youtube for letting me know about this one. Check him out and show him some love because he is one of the few good ones left on that platform. And while you are there, tell him to get his blimey ass over to Rumble. Tell him I sent you}

{Post Editors' Note Note: Give this game a chance, y'all. I know the voicework and the delivery of every spoken word of dialogue is painful but trust me, this is solid gold.}

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