Lebanon, The State Of Corruption - Let Them Eat Cake Ep. 005

2 days ago

Original Upload: August 26 2022


This episode we will be talking to one of the revolution leaders from Lebanon, the 154th most corrupt country out of 180. Lebanon has plunged from 28 on the Corruption Perceptions Index to 24 in three short years, ranking around countries like Iran, Iraq, and Eritrea.

The country has been ravaged by hyperinflation and the Lebanese people that can’t leave are suffering.

This episode will explore Lebanon from the perspective of someone who is from, and lives in, the country just like our other episodes, we have worked closely with our guest and we will continue to work closely with her in hopes of aiding the Lebanese people in their struggles.

You can follow our guest on Instagram @LebanonUprising and you can follow us on Twitter @5thGenIW

Thank you for listening and we hope you stick around.

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