Proud to be the Sweetheart of a Soldier

8 months ago

An EDM interpretation of the 1918 song "I'm Proud to Be the Sweetheart of a Soldier" by Mary Earl.

Time period: The Great War/ World War 1
Original lyrics:

There's a hero over the ocean
There's another here at home
And she makes each letter cheery
That she sends across the foam
Tho' her little heart is aching
Still she smiles her tears away

The whole day long she sings love songs
And you'll hear her fondly say
I'm proud to be the sweet-heart of a soldier
Tho' I cried when he marched away

For he's doing his share with the boys somewhere
Over there, over there in the fray
I treasure every letter that he sends me
And they fill my heart with joy

For he's fighting o'er the sea
And I'm mighty proud to be the sweet-heart of a soldier

When the night seems long and dreary
And the tears begin to start
Then I read his letters and there's sunshine in my heart

For I know he's thinking of me
Just as in the long ago

My heart is with him somewhere
And I want the world to know
I'm proud to be the sweet-heart of a soldier
Tho' I cried when he marched away

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