7/6/2024 A Winning Template - Celebrating the Natural Family

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This past Natural Family Month was incredibly successful and insightful. We also made a ton of new friends but our mission didn't end on Father’s day . Last Saturday the city of Marshfield, Wisconsin held an incredible one day Natural Family Festival and wait, yet another Natural family get together is scheduled for Labor day weekend in West Virginia. Did I mention that a gentleman in Michigan and a city council candidate in Oklahoma are still using our Natural Family yard signs and logo? We ain’t quite done yet folks. Details at the 10:00 hour.
Canadian Bill Whatcott - Practicing Double Jeopardy with One hand tied behind your back.
In our second hour we welcome back our good friend Bill Whatcott who is experiencing double jeopardy in the Canadian court system. That’s right, double jeopardy but with a couple of interesting twists. If you haven’t heard of Brother Whatcott before you are in for a special treat.

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