8 months ago

Brandon cory Nagley.

Jun 26, 2022 HUGE WAVE OF ENERGY+RADIATION SLAMS EARTH (NEVER SEEN BEFORE )WORMWOOD-PLANET X SYSTEM SHAKING EARTH+EARTHS SOLAR SYSTEM (STAYING HYDRATED A MUST!!!QUAKE+VOLCANO WATCH-ENDTIMES SIGNS JESUS (YESHUA) WARNED YOU ABOUT-AWAKE FROM YOUR SLUMBER!!!!/READ BELOW. Today is now 6/27/22.... it just turned midnight as I recorded this a bit ago on the 26th thus why I say in video the 26th... i am showing as always the signs in the heavens that Jesus Christ, (known as yeshua in Hebrew, and called by many different names) warned to be seen before his second coming.Those signs specifically from the planet x/ nemesis/ nibiru/ Biblical wormwood of Revelation 8/ red dragon ( being planet x of Revelation 12) what NASA calls the planet 9 system evidence. This videos highlights: This video I am showing the massive amount of energy coming from the suns direction hitting earth I'm not sure if it's all solar energy or other energy hitting earth.... As I showed hours ago in my last video the large Cme from the sun I believe was earth facing. Space weather news is admitting there was a blast from the sun though I feel their hiding truth that it was earth facing and way bigger than the lie they gave... I have never seen this much energy hit earth as other people watching to are shocked as this can and will make many people and animals sick and could possibly cause massive quakes and volcanic eruptions... I do apologize as older backup phone I used stop recording cus i need to clean phone for space so video cut me off early though I showed main things I wanted to show.... As Earth is getting slammed daily from cosmic waves of radiation and energy from planet x system objects and a magnetar shooting energy at earths back side, while daily earths getting whipped by solar radiation and energy meaning its making everyone sick in a way of another also pets are dying and getting sick from the radiation as 10 thousand cattle just died in Kansas due to this.... Not including its making earth's core swell as bible says hell will enlarge itself in the end days as is occurring , which that pushes lava and Magma to earths surface causing massive quakes and volcanoes blowing globally as Jesus warned. And it's only about to get worse... So note to my followers stay hydrated and get a multi vitamin in you daily or make sure you get lots of greens and fruits in you to help your body....Newcomers, Jesus Christ is the only way to God and heaven ( John 14;6) and the only way to escape the judgement coming( REVELATION 3:10/ REVELATION 12:5/ 1 THESSALONIANS 4/ 1 CORINTHIANS 15/ john 14:3- bible references.) Pray if you have not accepted Jesus (yeshua) as Lord read BELOW my video in my comments section with my pinned main notes.

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