Spiritual Singles Success Story Interview #2 Kim & Randy

8 months ago

Jill Crosby, owner/founder of Conscious Dating Network interviews Kim and Randy, a success story couple that met on Conscious Match in 2016 and married in 2018. Learn how they manifested each other, how long distance worked better than if they lived near each other, how they listened to their inner guidance and so much more! This is an inspiring and educational interview you must watch!

To Join Spiritual Singles: https://www.spiritualsingles.com/

To learn more about Chiki Buttah: https://chikibuttah.com

*Conscious Dating Network is comprised of several online dating sites that all share the same, large database of members. You only need to join ONE site to have access to ALL sites and ALL members in the network! It's like different doorways into the same house.

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