Article 4923 Video - International Public Notice: Ever Since 1823.... By Anna Von Reitz

7 months ago

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Article 4923 Video - International Public Notice: Ever Since 1823.... - Thursday, July 4, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

It turns out that the French Rothschild banking empire has been managing the Vatican's assets ever since 1823. Doesn't that explain a lot of history?

Bloody history. Dishonest history. Evil history. Napoleonic history. Payseur history. Even Abraham Lincoln history.

We consider this the last shoe that needed to be dropped, the last pixel needed to complete the total picture of depravity, corruption, and hidden collusion.

Charlemagne would be turning over in his grave, but Mayer Amschel Rothschild would be dancing on it.

It was a unique coup, to pretend to hate the Holy Roman Empire, while working for it and using its vast assets to benefit oneself from it -- but also a textbook application of the Sabbatean modus operandi -- to deceive at all costs and profit from it.

No doubt the Roman Cult hidden within the Catholic Church --- no slouches in the realm of deception -- learned a few things themselves.

The so-called Egyptian Jews were Idolaters who pretended to be Jews; our best glimpse of them came when Moses confronted them over the Golden Calf, a new moon representation of the Egyptian Cow Goddess Hathor.

Once they arrived in Canaan they mixed and mashed with the local Amorite and Samaritan and Canaanite Idolaters and eventually concocted their own version of Judaism -- what Jesus called the "Synagogue of Satan".

They concocted their own version of Christianity, too -- a mixture of Egyptian monotheism, Babylonian idolatry, Early Christian teachings and Greek Mythology. They pictured Jesus as Zeus, therefore the name I-zeus.

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