10 Questions Climate Doomers Can't or Won't Answer- The Climate Realism Show #117

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Have you ever noticed that when it comes to inconvenient hard facts, climate alarmists either revert to calling you a shill for big oil, or block you because they don’t have the skills or the knowledge to refute your factual challenge?
Well, we’ve got a list of 10 very inconvenient questions that they refuse to answer.

Chris Martz, a meteorology student who has been successfully pushing back climate alarm on Twitter, so much so that he’s been blocked by Michael Mann, will join us. He’s the author of these questions.

We will go over the Crazy Climate News of the Week. Tune in LIVE for the stream at 1 p.m. ET (noon CT) to watch the show and leave your own questions in the chat with host Anthony Watts, along with panelists H. Sterling Burnett and Linnea Lueken.

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