Episode 295: How can I get rid of my sin? Part 2

3 months ago

Hello everyone. In tonights Bible study, we address the question "How can I get rid of my sin?"

What do you think I mean by that? Are you currently thinking about some act of bad behavior? Then you are not thinking about sin in the same manner that God describes it in the scriptures.

Acts of sins through behavior is the effect of the cause. Ok Kevin, then what is the cause?

The cause is your birth. What?! My birth?!

Yes, mind too. That is what God said in the scriptures. You and I were conceived in sin and brought forth out of the womb committing iniquity, trespasses, and sins.

How can we be certain that that is true? Well, first because God said it. Second, all one has to do is ask oneself a very simple question. Can I die? If the answer to that question is yes, then you can be certain that you are a sinner in the eyes of God who is holy.

Then how can I get rid of my sin? Does the scriptures give us the answer?
Yes, it does. Let's find out together.

Tonight's study is 1 hour and 13 minutes in duration. I have broken it into two segments. This is segment 2 of 2 titled "How can I get rid of my sin? Part 2"

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