I Had Trump and Biden Visit My Range! What Happened?

8 months ago

So, this is just for fun. But, after the debate last week, I thought it might be fun to poke a little fun. I know that not everyone likes Trump, but I think for this year that is the best option we are going to have. I'd like to see him go for another term and do what he can to help steer the country back in the direction we were going before the big flu season hit us all.
I hope the attempts at jokes land here. I just wanted to do something fun and try to make some people laugh. I think my attempt at what Biden would do on my range is actually pretty close, lol.
I don't know where the voices came from. Somehow, halfway through filming this I started doing my Trump lines with a country accent. I just rolled with it. Seemed funny in my head when I was doing it, lol.

This was just to show off a few things that I have not taken out to shoot for a while. Spending all my time with the bolt action getting into PRS made me miss some of these. I wanted to get in a little range time and have fun!!

Thank you for watching. I hope you got to laugh a little. If not at the jokes, at least at me!! I hope you have a great rest of your day and an awesome weekend!!

This is a private range. All shooting is done in a safe, controlled environment with no people or dwellings within miles to be at risk.

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