Action Extreme Gaming 2024: Dragon Quest 3: Seeds of Salvation - retrieving The Dream Ruby from The Underground Lake Noaniels Cave (Nes Version VS Super Nintendo Version Comparisions)

24 days ago

Action Extreme Gaming 2024: Dragon Quest 3: Seeds of Salvation - retrieving The Dream Ruby from The Underground Lake Noaniels Cave (Nes Version VS Super Nintendo Version Comparisions)

My latest Project is finnally Done,which I haven't done a comparision Gameplay video like this in So long since My old YS III: Wanderers from YS (SUper Nintendo VS Sega Genesis VS Turbo Grafx 16 CD) Versions Comparision Video!

before I get Started,First Thing's First:

"Lets Play! Pretty Cure Modulation!"

haven't used that phrase in awhile in my "Action Extreme Gaming" Intro Videos! Yep,Good old Suite Pretty Cure,one of the Best Precure Seasons from the Golden Age Era of Pretty

But anyways,To celebrate the upcoming Release of the New NIntendo Switch/Playstation 5 HD-2D Remake of "Dragon QUest 3",I'm gonna Do a Comparision Video,Comparing the Key Factor Differences between the NES Version and Super Famicom Version Remake of Dragon Warrior 3/Dragon Quest III which I'll be doing 2 versions of the " retrieving The Dream Ruby from The Underground Lake Noaniels Cave" Keyplot MIssion so that you guys can see whats been changed between the 2 Versions.

Aside from a Huge/Boost Upgrade in Graphics and Sound,the overall gameplay in the Super Famicom version has been given a massive boost improvement Upgrade in SNES Version compared to the NES Version. You can now Collect Power up Seeds and Slime Medals in Drawers and Pots in houses,you have new abilities and upgrades,LV Grinding is now a smoother faster pace,and best of all,you can now walk much Faster in Dungeons and Caves reducing alot of the frustrating encounter Rate which brings me to my next point:

Despite having nostalgia for the NES Version's soundtrack which is still amazing til this day,but I can no longer go back to that version after seeing the massive improvements in the Super Famicom but Holy SHit!!! My God.......because the Nes Version is a freaken Train Wreck chore to get through with it's rediculous High Encounter Rate which will make even give even "Breath of Fire 1" and Breath of Fire 2 a Run for they're Money!!! and not to mention,your party members in the NES Version move so god damn Slow at a freaken Snail's Pace like most NES 8-bit RPGs at the time!

This is why I Pefer the huge Improvements in the Super Famicom theres also a Game Boy Color Remake which came out in 2001 during the GBC's final years of it's life cycle,much like how the Super Famicom Version of Dragon Quest 3 Came out in 1996,very late into the Super Nintendo's last remaining years of it's life cycle,which came out one year after the release of the original super Nintendo Version of "Chrono Trigger"

But heh, are some sites where you can download each version of the game:

and heres a list of some of the Unique Job Classes you can use in this game,for me,I chose a Female Warrior,a Female Martial Arts Fighter and a Female Mage:P the Super Famicom and Game Boy Color Remakes Added a New "Theif" Class,which wasn't in the NES Version:

Next time I'll eventually do the Game Boy Color Version of this Mission,for now,I'll mainly just focus on the Key differences between the NES and SNES Versions,because i've already had enough stressful Trouble as it is trying to record both Gameplay footages for both the NES Version and Super Nintendo Version at the same time.XD

anyways,for this mission,our heroes must Retreive a Dream Ruby Ring from the Noaniels Cave (AKA: Cave of Dreams) for the Elf Queen in the Hidden Elf Viliage which she'll give you some waking up Powder to break a Sleeping spell that has cursed the Villiage of Noaniels!

Speaking of Dragon Warrior 3/Dragon quest 3,I hope the Upcoming Nintendo Switch HD-2D Remake has an option to Double or Triple Times X3 the Exp points and Gold from Winning Battles like what Square Enix recently did with the Final Fantasy Pixel Remastered Collection,if so,than I'm all ears for it,because I've already payed my overdued respects beating the original NES Version back in the Day,and so I'm now ready for some new Improvements that'll tone down the rediculous difficulty/Encounter Rates and Easy/Faster LV

also,according to here,HD-2D Remakes of Dragon Warrior 1 and Dragon Warrior 2 are also in the

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