Jasper the cat shares his love after no human contact and before his call back to the wild

2 months ago

His strange story and mystery of his whereabouts since 2022.

Nancy shares Jasper’s Story:
I adopted 2 feral kittens living under an empty house porch in their neighborhood. The little female who I think must have been the runt was approachable and soon became friendly. The little male cat was already fairly feral and he did not like human contact.

At the time I adopted them my house was very busy. I have 6 children,and at that time we had 3 dogs, 4 cats, an assortment of turtles, chinchillas, reptiles, aquariums etc. so we added the 2 kittens to the mix. Haha.

I got them neutered and spayed microchipped etc We named them Jasper and Jezibel, jezzy for short. They were strictly indoor cats. Jasper got along famously with the other cats and the dogs, however, he would not allow any human contact. When he first arrived he wouldn't even tolerate a human in the same room with him. if you walked into the room he would bolt and go into hiding. it was almost 2 years before he would permit me to be in the same room with him and not bolt, however if I got within arm's length he would move over so i couldn't touch him. He seemed content hanging out with the other cats and dogs. He just didn't like or trust people. He was always on guard and watching in case you got too close. i said so be it. He is who he is.

Jasper would lay on the window ledges hanging out. Only one time did he go outside and that was an accident. He leaned too hard against the bedroom window screen, popped the screen and fell into the bushes below. I noticed right away and went outside, I found him in the landscaping cowering against the house so i opened the back door and flushed him in that direction he immediately ran inside and that was that. Neither Jasper or his sister jezzy ever tried to go outside. You could leave the door wide open and they would stand there looking but never venturing out the door.

So life went on and the years passed. Over the years the other cats and dogs slowly passed away from old age. They are all buried in my backyard yard. In the summer of 2022, my children were grown and gone, 3 dogs and 4 cats had passed away and i had one dog (Mano) and 2 cats (jasper and Jezzy) left.

This is where it gets weird---

One nite I'm sound asleep, Mano on the bed with me and i feel something jump onto the bed, walk to my pillow lay down on the top of my head and begin to purr very loudly. I didn't think much about this at the time as over the years many of the cats routinely did this, however, it kept me awake so i rolled over and the cat moved to the middle of the bed between Mano and myself and continued to purr and purr. After some time i sensed Mano was awake and alert and becoming irritated with the cat on "his" bed. So i reached over and flicked the light on to see what was going on. It was Jasper! Jasper was laying there beside me just purring away! I was shocked! I said Jasper! What are you doing here? Well, Mano wanted him off the bed so he sort of head nudged him and Jasper very calmly walked to the end of the bed and was fixin' to lay on the window ledge at the foot of my bed. i said oh no! You can't lay there. Mano looks out that window and he won't accept you blocking his view. Haha. So i leaned over, picked Jasper up (he was calm and let me hold him) I walked across the room to the bedroom door and set him in the hall then closed the door so he couldn't come back in.

In the morning I set out the cat food as I do every morning and then went about my day. i went to bed that nite got up the next morning set out the cat food and noticed the food hadn't been touched. That's weird. Jezzy was perched on the back porch window ledge staring intently at the back yard. i thought hmmm did i see Jasper yesterday? I don't remember if I saw him the day after he came to my room. So I went around house checking all his hiding spots he was not there. i went upstairs and noticed the screen to bedroom window he liked hanging out at was missing. Same window he fell out of years before. So i go outside see the screen in the bushes, my hosta plant under the window is smashed down so i walked around the house fully expecting to find him in the bushes but he was not there. i searched everywhere. He was gone. What happened? Did he fall out the window and get scared and run away? Did he get hurt? Was he sick and I didn't know it and he ran off to die? Did he go into the woods behind my house and get into a fight with a raccoon or did a hawk grab him? So many scenarios. No answer. Jezzy sat on that porch ledge for 3 days looking out the window. On the 3rd day as I was letting Mano outside she jumped off the ledge ran across the floor and darted outside. What are you doing!!! She climbed the hillside into the woods and I knew was looking for her brother. I tried to follow her into the woods thinking she knew where he was but i lost her trail. She returned home hours later i found her sitting at the back door waiting to come inside. After that she stayed on the back porch window ledge for probably 2 weeks, maybe 3 just watching outside. i knew she was looking for her brother. Finally one morning when i set out the cat food she jumped off the ledge followed me inside the house and that was that. I suppose She'd come to terms with the fact that he wasn't coming back.

Now the strange thing about this strange situation is something I question to this day and it is this--- I noticed over the years that when one of the dogs or cats was going thru the dying process the other cats one by one would lay beside the pet that was in the dying process. The cat would lay for hours sometimes all day or all nite and then at some point they would get up and go about their business but never go back to the dying pet . It was as if they were paying their last respects and saying good bye. I watched all the cats do this with 3 dogs and also with each other when one was dying.

So i wonder if Jasper came to my room that nite in order to say good bye? Only he was the one leaving not me and I didn't know it. Did he know it? Did he know he was going to fall out that window? Did he deliberately push himself out that window? it was the same window he"d fallen out of years before. Do cats commit suicide? And where did he go? How did he die? Did he die alone? Did he say good bye to his sister? So many unanswered questions.

What i do know is the very last time I saw him he laid next to me purring he allowed me to hold him and then he was gone. He was 12 years old.

Connect with Michele at nikoetherapies@proton.me or 44 07950 593637 (whatsapp): Private sessions with your animal companion (here or in Spirit): https://www.nikoenaturaltherapies.com/animal-therapy/remote-healing-sessions/
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