The difference between being saved vs being blessed / WWY #shorts 48

8 months ago

IF you have accepted Yeshua/Jesus as your personal Savior then great! In doing so you've accepted His atonement for your sins by believing in and living out His Word.

But that doesn't neccesarily mean that you are blessed as there are some differences. Yes you are blessed in the fact that you aren't going to hell but most believers still aren't living the Bible enough to get their full blessings and inheritance that He died for you to have.

If you only knew how many of His blessings and spiritual giftings that you have inside of you, and more waiting on you to 'step-out', then you'd give it your all to allow Yeshua/Jesus to live through you!

Reference verses:
Matthew 5:19, John 5:14, 10:10; Romans 14:17; Ephesians 5:18

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