UPDATE: The missing Michigan teen who was thought to be dead before he randomly appeared on a live

6 months ago

UPDATE: The missing Michigan teen who was thought to be dead before he randomly appeared on a live stream in Miami, FL, has been found.

Amazing news.

17-year-old Troy Coleman, who has schizophrenia, has been missing for months... until his brother recognized him on a Lacy & Clix livestream.

Coleman was found safe as confirmed by the Flint Township Police Department who thanked users online for sharing his information.

"The Flint Township Police Department would like to extend a heartfelt THANK YOU to everybody who shared the missing person information about Troy Coleman," they announced.

"He has been found safe in Miami, Florida and we are working with local authorities to arrange his safe return to Michigan to be with his."

Thanks to @LacyHimself, the teen was found at a hotel and is currently in a holding cell to be transferred back to Michigan.

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