💥BQQQQQQQM💥 It only takes 1 voice. Happy Independence Day 💥💥💥

5 months ago

About the photo:
Ages of Founding Fathers in 1776:
James Monroe, 18
Aaron Burr, 20
John Marshall, 20
Alexander Hamilton, 21
James Madison, 25
John Jay, 30
Thomas Jefferson, 33
Most of them were young men who fought and literally created our nation…
Now our leaders are dying in office.
Note: I am not the producer of this content. I only provide the content for your entertainment.
If you see that I have posted a false or incorrect content PLEASE let me know in the comments.
PS. I have decided to not monetize my channel because I'm just the messenger and I don't feel right about making money off of others hard work...
My X account: https://twitter.com/AlgorythemQ

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