Educational Purposes Only..!

6 months ago

The government paid pharmaceutical companies Billions of dollars to carry out their dirty work of spreading lies, fear and misinformation.

It was all a set up from The get go. The sheep were lead to the slaughter through the fear of death from a virus that never existed forced upon them by the hospitals, mainstream media, the government and other government agencies.

The government, mainstream media outlets, hospitals, doctors, care homes, government paid organisations all worked as a team to deceive the people into taking on a life of difficulty, disability, disaster, disease, torture and finally death.

It’s time to wake up…

Educational Purposes Only..!

Know Who The Real Enemies Are, Corruption And Criminalization’s At Its Highest And Finest..


🚨 #PayAttentionAndListen #IfYourMindProgrammedThisNotForYou #ThisTheInformationTheyDontWantUsToKnow #WeInAInformationalWarefareRightNow #WeInASpiritualWarefareRightNow #DontBeASheeple #DontLetThemDistractYouFromWhatsReallyHappening #WeStillInModernDaysSlavery #FuckTheSystem #FuckTheElites #TruthOverRich #FactsOfOurLifes 👁✊🏾👍🏾💯

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