The top three things to focus on to be successful with women

8 months ago

I remember as a kid reading my mom’s Cosmo magazine Top 10 lists of what men/women find attractive in the opposite sex and something always stood out to me.

For men that is always at the top of our lists. If we aren’t physically attracted to a woman nothing else really matters.
Which makes sense when you look at how many women can make a living (legal and illegal) just based on how hot they are.

But then I noticed that on the top of the woman’s lists, looks wasn’t really there. Aspects of it, but not specifically.
Which gave me hope because I knew I was never going to be a male model!

Confidence, sense of humor, and taking care of ourselves were almost always in the top 3, which is GREAT NEWS because unlike looks, those are all things we can get better at.

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