How The World Got in This Mess -Christopher Bollyn - Expert on Middle East, Who Did 911 & Why

3 months ago

If you have ever wanted to know about the 911 false flag attack that sealed the coup d'eta started with the assasination of President Kennedy this is the man to learn from. Christopher Bollyn . He came to our San Diego 911 Truth events a few times and stayed in my guest room, I took him snorkeling. He is the real deal a very brave and honest Patriot who spoke Truth to power.

He is the total expert on the Middle East, and all it's leaders and feuds, and history and was assigned to investigate the 911 attack. He was in New York that day. Listen to him well, for he explains the War On Terror and how we got to this point in History... This is the foundation of it all:

I have not heard from him since the Plandemic. His wife is from Sweden I imagine he is laying low right now.

July 26, 2016
The 9/11 Studies Club hosted guest speaker Christopher Bollyn at Portland Community College where he discussed the predicament Americans face with a two-party system in which both try to out-do each other to show support for the massive fraud known as the War on Terror.Bollyn, author of “Solving 9/11: The Deception that Changed the World”, traveled through the Middle East and studied the region's history and languages before earning a degree from the University of California at Santa Cruz with an emphasis on the history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Having worked as an independent investigative journalist from 2000-2006, Bollyn spent a great deal of time investigating the events of 9/11. In 2007, after having been attacked by undercover police at his home and forced into exile, he began writing “Solving 9-11”, which is dedicated to explaining what really happened and bringing the events of 9-11 into historical perspective.

Christopher Bollyn’s third live speaking engagement in Oregon, which took place on July 16th at Portland Community College’s Sylvania campus.

Share widely so people understand this important foundation that started with killing President Kennedy and how 911 was used to clinch all power all government taken over. Listen to his information on the attack of our U.S.S. Liberty.

Everytime I listen to this over the years I learn more. He is a walking history book.

Bollyn Rocks! I pray he and his family are safe.

This is a link to the Question & Answer session after this talk on Youtube:

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