Jesuits are jewish slaves , zionist scumbags, Francis and the jews

8 months ago

Jesuits where created in the times of inquisition,
The jews had to go underground, and they started the jesuit order,
Which continued to practice khaballah in secret,and perform children sacrifices under churches, the church willingly helped the jews, to go underground,
Everybody bows for the jewish masters, except for some brave Arabs and a handfull of European rebels!,global take over by the jews, read the thorah and the talmud, it is the jews mission to enslave the world,
Helping jews is the biggest mistake you van ever make,
These are parasites not people,
We have no pope at the moment,
The catholic church is dead,
Omar Samson, Pontifex Maximus,
free humanity,
Jews where and still are the problem , nothing and nobody else,
Fake jews yes, khazar jews, white jews, imposters, not european, but white people from the chinese steps, the mongoloid invaders, destroyers of nations and civilizations,

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