Dr Timothy Leary and Casper Leitch take Time 4 Hemp

8 months ago

In this 1991 video, Dr. Timothy Leary talks to Time 4 Hemp's Casper Leitch about the uses of hemp and the diabolical attempt to prohibit it.

Dr. Timothy Leary, a renowned futurist and individual freedom advocate, expresses his support for the hemp movement. He criticizes the irrational laws against hemp, which he believes are influenced by oil companies and a propaganda campaign.

Leary sees hemp as a solution to ecological problems, including a substitute for oil and wood pulp. He also discusses the political shift in the late 1970s and 1980s that led to the criminalization of drugs like hemp, which he refers to as "Republican drugs." Leary believes that the potential benefits of hemp for mental health, ecology, and individual freedoms should not be overlooked due to puritanical crusades against it.

Dr Leary encourages viewers to get involved in the hemp movement and start a conversation with their local politicians. Additionally, he shares rumors about marijuana use by politicians and the benefits of hemp, emphasizing that marijuana is best enjoyed in social settings. He encourages viewers to spread awareness about the benefits of hemp and marijuana and invites them to share their experiences.

Visit https://www.time4hemp.news for more videos like this.

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