Eternal Sleep Poison for The Soul - Promoted Everywhere & Enjoyed By Billions!

7 months ago

To indulge in the forbidden fruits of sexuality means to spill the sexual energy to orgasm. Tasting the divine energy that illuminates the soul in order to feel physical pleasure and sensation. But this is the energy which maintains the physical wellbeing of the individual but is expelled through the orgasm.

It is important that the energy created that gives man the ability to create be use efficiently. As it is connected to the same life force that mantains your vitality. Keeping your 7 superior senses in tact. This is what unites mankind to the devine




Right Action



Happiness For Others

Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit from the tree of good and evil abusing the sexual energy in their bodies by having the orgasm. - So they broke the only rule they had been given

We we expell the sexual energy we expell the energy that fules our inner sense. People who fornicate expell the divine sexual energy through the orgasm can not precieve God directly

Sexual Waters

All of life comes from the sexual waters, when harnessing the power of sexual energy and creation, it requires great responsibility. CONTINUE READING

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