Protect Your Freedom! Engage in Democracy

6 months ago

Liberal used to mean freedom, but today it’s often associated with large government, just like the right wing. Both sides talk about saving democracy, but what does democracy really mean?

Deven put it best: “Democracy is just mob rule and never seems to end well.” It's crucial to remember that our democracy is delicate and requires active, honest participation from all of us. We must stay engaged, informed, and protect the freedoms granted by the US Constitution.

Don’t just accept what you’re spoon-fed. Think critically, be involved, and make your voice heard. Our collective action can safeguard the principles of freedom and democracy.

Follow us on social media @RealPowerFamily where we talk about how we work and teach in order to make our world a better place.

Have a safe and fun holiday celebrating America's Independence, and honor the sacrifice and courage it took to achieve.

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