Joe Biden freezes up on debate stage with Trump, he idolizes him.

8 months ago

During the debate on Thursday 2024 with Joe Biden and Donald Trump You Could See Clearly that Joe might have been in a paradox which he looks at Trump as a hero and wants to emulate him and was almost Starstruck and that could be a reason why he mumbled around and fumbled the ball he did not have a cold.
@alexjones #infowars #alexjones

#MaturityVsEnvy​ #CelebrateSuccess​ #FindYourOwnDrive​ #SelfBeliefMatters​ #BeyondEmulation​ #BeYourOwnRoleModel​ #OvercomingHeroWorship​ #SeekingValidation​ #ThePowerOfAdmiration​ #CognitiveDevelopment​
#Joebiden​ #Trump​

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