Biden very definitely doesn’t have dementia, honestly – White House

8 months ago

The fallout from Joe Biden’s spectacularly awful debate performance continues to fall squarely over Washington DC, to the point that White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre is one step away from blurting out ‘a dog ate Biden’s homework.’ You see, Joe Biden ‘did not have a good night,’ in her words. However, she was keen to point out he ‘had a cold,’ ‘had a hoarse voice,’ and, most importantly ‘knows how to do the job.’

For once, the US media is asking the hard questions. ‘Does President Biden, at 81 years old have Alzheimer’s, any form of dementia or degenerative illness that would cause these sorts of lapses?’ The answer was an annoyed ‘no.’ That’s nice, then, it means that a slight cold can dislodge the brain of the guy with an enormous arsenal of nuclear weapons, which is just good sound governance. That’s much more reassuring.

Karine Jean-Pierre then got back to the important business of stressing Biden’s commitment to fighting climate change. No, really, that’s what she actually did.

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