Exclusive: The People's Study Stories

8 months ago

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They went into the hospital with COVID-like symptoms: a cough, low oxygen levels, fatigue. Sometimes they had a positive PCR test, but many times they did not. Refused entry, family members were forced to watch as their loved ones were escorted through hospital doors. Little did they know, it would be the last time they would see them.The stories are all the same. Hundreds, if not thousands, became victims to the medical establishment in the name of ‘science’ and ‘public health.’ Were these deaths out of ignorance? Or was the paycheck too irresistible? What really killed all those innocent people — was it the virus, or did bad medicine and fatal protocols play a role?

Many believe this was no mistake.

Now, countless people are left behind, wondering why and how this could have happened. The media, healthcare professionals and those in power may never admit the truth, but one thing is certain: the stories must be told.Hear from the people doing just that — Polly Tommey, Brian Burrowes and Toby Tommey — on their upcoming film ‘Vaxxed III’ and find out who, or what, was authorized to kill.

Plus…Jael Sindt and Kathy Krech, two wives whose husbands passed away under these devastating circumstances, lay out the details leading up to and following their tragic losses.Jael Sindt’s husband was being treated in Minnesota for his ill health, in late 2021. Just a few months after the symptoms began, he passed away. Jael shares a shocking message for viewers about the events that transpired along the way.“They stole my husband” — Kathy Krech tells not only of her husband’s life but also his tragic death. She recalls the way he was treated by the medical establishment and lists some of the medications the sickly man was given. Her message to viewers? To have an advocate when seeking hospital care.

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