Dr. Fauci Says Cold Medicine KJP Claimed Biden Did NOT Take Could Be To Blame For Debate Disaster

8 months ago

Posted • July 3, 2024: Once again Dr. Anthony Fauci is stepping up to tell people not to believe what they've seen with their own eyes over the past few years, but this time it's about the effectiveness and mental acuity of President Biden. However, despite all the attempts to wave off evidence of Biden's feebleness as "cheap fakes," the recent debate proved that Fauci might want to recommend a few more boosters for the president. Fauci took the usual approach that Biden staffers do by claiming behind the scenes he's sharp as a tack. He even floated a possible excuse for Biden's debate performance: Dr. Fauci on the Biden debate disaster: He says in private, Biden is "very probing, analytical… when you go to brief him you honestly better know your stuff." He says cold medicine might be at fault. He warns against drawing ANY medical conclusions from "a 90-minute clip."

That's the problem for Team Biden -- we've seen a lot more than just one 90-minute clip. Fauci thinks we are so dumb that we will believe this lie despite what we saw in real time. As for the cold medicine excuse, Karine Jean-Pierre claims otherwise: Karine Jean-Pierre said Biden wasn't taking cold medication⁉️ Also can any White House reporter please ask KJP why, if Biden had a bad cold as they claim, he went out after the debate and got up close with a lot of people at a Waffle House? If this psycho is saying Biden is probing & analytical then you can BET the exact opposite is true. What a raging propagandist this guy is. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Dr. Fauci Says Cold Medicine KJP Claimed Biden Did NOT Take Could Be to Blame for Debate Disaster
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