War fears explode as ‘China commandeers Taiwanese ship’ sparking crisis

2 hours ago

Tensions between China and Taiwan escalated as the Chinese navy forcefully boarded a Taiwanese fishing vessel, according to Chinese media.

The incident occurred near the Kinmen islands in the Taiwan Strait, just 10 km from the Chinese mainland. Despite Taiwan’s exclusion zone around Kinmen, which bans Chinese vessels, Beijing does not officially recognize it.

The Taiwanese vessel, Dajinman No. 88, was fishing for yellow croakers when it was approached by two Chinese Coast Guard ships, which took photographs before boarding and commandeering the vessel.

The boat, along with its captain and five foreign workers, was taken to Weitou Military Port in Fujian, China.

In response, Taiwan’s Coast Guard dispatched patrol boats to protect other fishing vessels in the area, the Express has reported.

read more: https://www.the-express.com/news/world-news/142067/china-navy-commandeers-taiwan-fishing-boat-kinmen-islands

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