Owls for Kids | Learn fun facts about these cool birds!

2 hours ago

Did you know that owls live in almost every type of habitat? Owls for Kids will present lots of fun and interesting facts about these hooting birds. Speaking of hoots, not all owls hoot. Barn owls make hissing sounds, Eastern screech owls whinny like a horse, and saw-whet owls sound like a sharpening saw. Owls make various sounds, including snapping their bills, clapping their wings in flight, and singing. They can make facial expressions too because they have many tiny facial muscles. And just like you, they use their facial expressions to communicate with other owls.

Most owls eat small animals like mice, rabbits, and voles. But some owl species will also dine on insects and birds. Their diet ultimately depends on the species because the environment in which they live will determine what they eat. All owls are carnivorous, but their diet has to do with the climate of the habitat and its geographic location.

Here's another fun fact: owls have asymmetrical ears, meaning that they're not exactly the same. Not only are their ears shaped differently, but they are also located at different heights on their head. This allows them to pinpoint the location of sounds in multiple dimensions, giving them a significant advantage over their prey

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