EP6 Holsters and Ammo, Gun safety for first time handgun owners from firearm professionals

8 months ago

Hew new gun owners! Now it's time to talk about selecting essential gear for your new carry gun and go over what our favorite shooting couple and Team Atlas shooters Sean Burrows and Alysia Burrows use for themselves!

01:08 - Types of Ammunition and the Right Selection for You
Not all ammo is created equal. Sean and Alysia break down the differences between range ammo and defense ammo. They share their top picks, and why the use what they do.

02:31 - Holster Selection Options & Ideas
Sean and Alysia share their personal preferences for holsters they use in training, competition, and for concealed carry, and what you should look for when choosing a holster for yourself.

05:33 - Gun Upgrades & Options You Should Consider
Sean & Alysia discuss practical and fun enhancements they prefer on their personal handguns, but emphasizing the importance of spending money on training and experience over accessories.

05:56 - Safety and Accessibility
Last but not least, Sean & Alysia talk about the importance of safe gun storage and quick access options, such as electronic and biometric gun boxes.

Find More Practice Tips from Sean & Alysia:
Recoil Management: Shooting Fast & Flat - https://youtu.be/fQsyjYi7zXY?si=hhWzUM1eVVl6BToL
Get On Target Faster This Dry Fire Drill! - https://youtu.be/_xK8agvXz7c?si=mMSmnU6GsxfEwLN5
Trigger Control Mastery - https://youtu.be/9t3lF5_o0uQ?si=PNNvJrM7dGwpk5Tr

Learn More About Sean & Alysia's Atlas Pistols Here:
Alysia's Custom Hyperion - https://youtu.be/G5w7EQzpMYk?si=GIQi0OBHU1bUD7Mo
The Atlas Experience With Sean Burrows - https://youtu.be/4hVikkvZaxI?si=ZjMwVa424_MCIZ55

Find the next training event with Sean & Alysia at https://elevatedtraining.live

Originally posted on YouTube 4/8/2020

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