Revisiting Yellow Submarine symbolism. Occult & symbolic references of the Beatles' song and film.

7 months ago

* This interview was recorded on January 25th 2023.

From 2023:

Back in 2012 I interviewed artist, researcher, writer and veteran symbologist Robert Richard Hieronimus Ph.D. about the occult/esoteric symbolism that he sees in the 1968 animated Beatles movie, ‘Yellow Submarine.’
If you haven’t watched and heard that, or if you want to remind yourself of it, you can catch that here:

In 2002, his book 'Inside the Yellow Submarine: The Making of The Beatles’ Animated Classic’ was published. It is, to quote directly from his official website, “presented primarily as first-person interviews with over 30 of the main creative artists, writers and technicians who contributed to the film.” In other words, I’d suggest, it’s an exclusive, first-hand telling of the making of the film. Indeed, there’s “a foreword by Erich Segal (scriptwriter of the movie)” and “introduction by Sir George Martin (The Beatles’ producer),” who was also a friend of Robert’s. Almost twenty years later, in 2021, came ‘It’s All in the Mind: Inside The Beatles’ Yellow Submarine Vol. 2.’ This prompted me, in late 2022, to get back in touch with Hieronimus (or, as he’s also known, ‘Dr Bob’) to invite him to record another talk with me, especially given that - unlike the first volume - the second - in the earlier chapters of it - goes into detail about the perceived occult/esoteric aspects of the film - as well as the song, which was originally released in 1966 on the Beatles’ album ‘Revolver.’ Regarded by most who’ve heard it as an innocent children’s ditty the lyrics of Yellow Submarine have taken on alternative meanings, of a socio/political nature. As Volume 2 describes, during the late 1960s, it was adopted in the US by anti-Vietnam War protestors. I mentioned this in January of ’23 during the recording of my second interview with Dr Bob after he kindly accepted my invitation in late 2022 for, what I’m describing as, a ‘reunion chat.’ Also joining us for this journey back on board the sub is Laura E. Cortner, his long-time and trusted collaborator, and the co-author of this ‘Yellow Submarine’ book sequel. With Robert, she’s also co-authored ‘Founding Fathers, Secret Societies’ (2006), ‘United Symbolism of America’ (2008), and ‘Secret Life of Lady Liberty: Goddess in the New World’ (2016).

A little of what was mentioned in my interview with Dr Bob in 2012 gets a mention in 2023 as well, such as the ancient Egyptian veneration of the insect the scarab beetle, which Hieronimus has suggested was, in some way shape or form, unconsciously the reason behind the band name, ‘The Beatles.’ Also, once again, Dr Bob, and Laura, talk of his days in the late Sixties as a designer of vinyl record-covers, working with the ‘Elektra’ music-label and rubbing shoulders with, amongst others, Jimi Hendrix who was, according to Robert, interested in learning more about the mystery of occult symbols.
Also, in my interview with Dr Bob and Laura, we discuss in some detail the perceived occult/esoteric narrative of the ‘Yellow Submarine’ movie in relation to the ‘Hero’s Journey’ myth-pattern, this is a concept of story-telling that’s been brought to highlight by the writer and philosopher Joseph Campbell. The Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Carl Jung gets a mention too as does the influence of LSD on this submarine saga. Also talked about, amongst other strands within the theme of ‘Yellow Submarine,’ is the belief that none of the Beatles had any input in the displays of occultic symbolism that have been seen in the film, which tells the story of an underwater paradise, Pepperland, which gets turned into a grey, barren wasteland by the loveless, dictatorial, music-hating Blue Meanies who are, by the end of this animated fantasy-tale, defeated by John, Paul, George and Ringo, and friends, after they travel to the rescue in their yellow-coloured watercraft, that also has the ability to fly.

Here's what George Harrison is reported to have said in 1999 about the film - I think you might find it of interest:

“The fact is, with the way culture and the government are now, it’s all still happening now as it was in ‘Yellow Submarine.’ Except the Blue Meanies have got a bigger stranglehold on the planet right now than they even had back in ’67. And it looks like there’s no musical group coming along to break the bubble of greyness, because even the music-industry has turned grey and is dominated by Blue Meanies.”

In my opinion, as I publish this in February 2023, George’s reported comments above still hold relevance, 24 years later.

Find out more about Dr Bob and Laura and the Yellow Submarine here:

More from Dr Bob here:

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