Joe Biden, Muriel Bowser, and Clint Osborn, spoke about DC gets OVER 3.5 BILLION to fight WEATHER

3 hours ago

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Muriel Bowser, Mayor of the District of Columbia and Clint Osborn, the Acting Director of the District of Columbia Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency (HSEMA) had a press conference with Joe Biden about protecting workers and communities from extreme weather at the District's Emergency Operations Center or EOC and how DC will get OVER 3.5 BILLION dollars to upgrade THEIR infrastructure so that THEY are safer 🤑

Joe spread confusion, fear, and division while attempting to "gaslight" about "climate change" along with trying to stay on "script", no mention of GEOENGINEERING or WEATHER MODIFICATION even though all people have to do is look up to see "they're" the ones doing it 🙄

A short clip from Europa The Last Battle about the Head of the Snake 👹

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