10th Muharram | Part-5 | The Day Of ‘Ashura’ | Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA) cursed Ibn Hawzah.

3 hours ago

Asslamoalaikum sisters brothers friends and elders, today we are describing Explore the significance and historical events of the Day of 'Ashura', the 10th day of Muharram ul Ahram. Learn about the martyrdom of Imam Hussain, the grandson of Prophet Muhammad, and the Battle of Karbala. understand the religious observations, rituals, and commemorations associated with this day in Islamic history.

so in 4th part before this part we were describing that Al-Husayn (as) kept silent. He said that for a second time, but al-Husayn did not reply. When he said it the third time, al-Husayn (as) said: “Tell him: yes, al-Husayn is here. What do you want?”

The man said: “O Husayn! Know that you are going to enter the hell [fire]!”

[Al-Husayn (as)] retorted: “You are lying. I am advancing to a forgiving Lord and an intercessor who is listened to. Who are you?”

He replied: “Ibn Hawzah.”

Al-Husayn (as) then raised both his hands -such that we could see the whiteness of his armpits through his clothes- and prayed: “O Allah, take him away from us and throw him into the hell fire.”

Ibn Hawzah became angry and wanted to attack [al-Husayn (as)] with his horse. A brook ran between them. [As he was mounting his horse] his leg got stuck in the stirrups. The horse started moving and he [was upset by that] and fell to the ground. His foot, calf and thigh were severed and were left hanging on the stirrups.

‘Abd al-Jabbar bin Wa’il al-Hadhrami narrates: “Masruq left the cavalry behind him and came back. So I asked him what had happened and he said: ‘Indeed, I have seen from the people of this House [i.e. of the Prophet (S)] something that I will never fight them!’6
The Malediction of Burair and His Martyrdom

Yazid bin Ma’qil came forward from the army of ‘Umar bin Sa‘d and said: “Burair bin Hudhair! Do you not see what Allah has done to you?!”

He replied: “By Allah, He has done good to me and evil to you!”

[Ibn Ma’qil] said: “You are lying. You were not a liar before this! Do you remember –[one day] as I was walking with you in the area of Banu Laudhan– you were saying: ‘‘Uthman bin ‘Affan was indeed extravagant, and that Mu’awiyah bin Abi Sufyan was a person who went astray (dhall) and misled others (mudhill), and that the leader of the truth and guidance was ‘Ali bin Abi Talib?!”

Burair said to him: “I testify that this is my opinion and my statement!”

Yazid bin Ma’qil said: “I bear witness that you are among those who have gone astray.”

So Burair bin Hudhair said to him: “Are you ready for invoking a curse [upon the the one who is on the wrong among us]? Let us pray to Allah to curse the liar and that the one [who is] on the falsehood should be killed. [After that] come forward so that I can combat you!”

So both of them came forward and raised their hands towards Allah beseeching him to send down his curse on the liar [among the two] and that the one who is on the right should kill the one who is on the wrong.

Thereafter, each of them began attacking the other. They exchanged two blows, Yazid bin Ma’qil struck Burair bin Hudhair with a light blow of no avail. Burair gave him [in return] a blow that penetrated [his] helmet and reached the brain. [Yazid] fell down as if he fell from [high] above, while Burair’s sword was still [stuck] in his head. [Ibn Abi al-Akhnas says: “I still remember the event and] it is as if I am seeing [Burair] wrenching his sword off [Yazid’s] head.”

Radhiyy bin Munqidh al-‘Abdi [from the army of ‘Umar bin Sa‘d] attacked on [Burair] and grappled with him. They fought one another for sometime before Burair sat on his chest. Radhiyy called out: “Where are the fighters and the defenders?!”

[At this] Ka’b bin Jabir al-Azdi attacked Burair with a spear and stabbed him in [his] back. When [Burair] felt the penetration of the spear, he knelt on [the body of Radhiyy bin Munqidh al-‘Abdi] and bit off his nose and severed part of it. Ka’b bin Jabir [again] stabbed him and took him off [al-‘Abdi]. The spearhead had pierced deep into [Burair’s] back. Ka’b then began striking him with his sword until he killed him. [May Allah’s mercy be upon him7].8

Thereafter, ‘Amru bin QaraZah al-Ansari came forward fighting in defense of al-Husayn (as). He was saying:

The group of Ansar certainly knows, that I am going to defend [its] honour.

[With] the blow of a young man who does not turn away from the enemy; [I will sacrifice] my life and my household for al-Husayn.9

He was then killed. [May Allah have mercy on him].

His brother, ‘Ali [bin QaraZah] was with ‘Umar bin Sa‘d. He called out: “O Husayn! O liar son of the liar! You misled my brother, deceived him and then killed him.”

[Al-Husayn (as)] replied: “Indeed Allah did not mislead your brother. Rather, he guided your brother and misled you!”

[Ibn QaraZah] said: “May Allah kill me if I do not kill you or die in the way of destroying you.” [With that] he launched an attack on [the Imam (as)].

Nafi’ bin Hilal al-Muradi obstructed him and stabbed him, throwing him [to the ground]. [Ibn QaraZah’s] companions attacked [Nafi’] and rescued him.10

[The situation was such that] the people were moving here and there and fighting each other. Hurr bin Yazid [al-Riyahi] was one of them. He attacked the [army of Ibn Sa‘d] saying: “With my charger’s neck and breast thrust forward I will launch myself at them again and again until [I am] clothed in blood.”11 His horse was struck at its ears and forehead and it was bleeding.

Yazid bin Sufyan [al-Tamimi was saying]: “By Allah, if I happen to see Hurr bin Yazid coming out, I will throw a spear at him!” Husayn bin Tamim12 said to him: “Here is Hurr bin Yazid the one you wished [to see]!” He said: “Yes.” He then went towards him and said: “O Hurr bin Yazid, are you ready for a single combat?” Hurr said: “Yes, I want it.” Hurr then went out to meet him. It was as though [Yazid’s] soul was in the hands [of Hurr]. It did not take long before Hurr went out to him and killed him.

so friends after one hour will be described sixth part of the Events of the 10th day (Day of Ashura) of the Karabla, Allah Hafiz


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