The Outer Realm -Heather L Arnold,- Existence of Giants

8 months ago

The Outer Realm welcomes for the first time, special guest, Heather L. Arnold.
She will be discussing her research and the Existence of Giants
Date: March 2nd, 2023

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About The Guest :
Heather Arnold, a graduate of Syracuse University, had a 15 year career in the television industry in Los Angeles and Manhattan. After leaving the industry to pursue a career in pharmaceutical sales, she was given the opportunity to move from Manhattan to the Caribbean island of Aruba to start her own tour company. Heather's quest to provide historically accurate tours for her clients led her down a path of research shrouded in mystery. Through extensive investigations, field expeditions, explorations, and interviews, Heather determined that the true, rich history of the islands of Aruba, Bonaire, and Curaçao, had been systematically repressed, and vehemently denied.

Looking on old maps, Heather noticed the islands' original names were not as they are today, but were instead called, "The Islands of the Giants", and named after the giant race of people with elongated skulls who inhabited them. After years of exhaustive study, translation, and interpretation of many scientific research papers, peer-reviewed journal articles, and field notes, it can be shown that the existence of the Giants is real, and their story is just now beginning to unfold. Not only were these Giants, part of an elite, ruling class, but they were a far more advanced race than the mainland population of Native American descent. They utilized lay lines, built massive megalithic monuments which still exist today, charted celestial events, and worshipped the Sun.

In 2018, Heather's research on the Giants was officially entered into the National Archives of Aruba as a contribution to the book, "Historia di Canashito" written by the award-winning Aruban historian, Mr. Dufi Kock.

Heather’s work has been featured on television, radio, and podcasts, and spoken at conferences world-wide. She has officially launched her Substack which will feature different topics regarding the Islands of the Giants. Heather is the admistrator of the Facebook group, "Stones, Bones, and the Paranormal" and the Facebook page, "The Islands of the Giants." She currently lives in Aruba to be closer to her research where she is joyfully raising her amazing daughter, who is of Aruban descent.

Please subscribe to her Substack, Heather L. Arnold "The Islands of the Giants: The Lost Race of Giants of Aruba, Bonaire, and Curaçao” for breaking discoveries and intriguing reports about the Giants.


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