Is Big Pharma Economically Milking Vax Injured Aussies Dry?

7 months ago

An update on Gavin Mcleod, who I have interviewed several times, following his journey to get healthy again after the jabs incapacitated him.
But that journey recently saw him sleeping rough, under a bridge.
If we can send millions to Ukraine, and give the GG a 330k pay rise, why can’t we find the coin to care for our Brothers and Sisters who have devastated.

Hi Michael, it's the old fella with the bad leg. I hope you are doing ok mate. I'm sorry to contact you but I have nowhere else to turn.
Things have gotten worse. I am still fighting with Centrelink to get a disability pension and this has gone on since November 2023. I am now living on the streets and don't know where to get a little help. I have a hearing with Centrelink on 01/07/2024 to sort out my claim but until then I will have to find a way to survive. Lately medical expenses have left me unable to live. I just need some help to get a small place to live and I have absolutely nothing. I don't even have phone credit and am hoping this email reaches you and you may know someone who can assist me.
Yours gratefully

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