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15 seconds

Unrehearsed My Suspicion of Events

8 months ago


  • 0/2000
  • I got new for you, high cholesterol will not kill you. This is a pure myth pushed by drug companies to fuel the sale of Statins. Low cholestrol is much more harmful to health than high cholesterol. In reality, high cholesterol levels have been shown to be protective in the elderly and heart failure patients. Low cholesterol patients had a higher incidence of intra-cerebral bleeds, depression, and cancer. Statins kill people slowly. People are given 1/100th the dose that kills lab animals in weeks or months, so it takes years or decades for the same injuries to kill people. https://expose-news.com/2023/11/10/statins-are-not-wonder-drugs-they-are-metabolic-poisons-that-kill-one-cell-at-a-time/

  • I do agree with you 💯. I will make a video on that because it is a good health topic.

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