A Body You Have Prepared for Me

6 months ago

Pastor Matt Hebert, The Crossway Ministry, 6/30/24
God’s plan of love and restoration reveals Jesus, not a cool smiling Jesus with natural highlights from sun exposure, but the Jesus described by the prophet Isaiah. To the world we live in and the untrained ears of most modern day church attenders, the real Jesus is offensive. His words are offensive! Some of His words would exclude Him from the hospitality teams of most modern day churches.

No! God is the offended party! Humanity, God‘s creation has offended him, rejected His plan and rebelled against Him!

But he does have a plan and he has included man in that plan – – he has privileged us with the opportunity to work for him and work with him.

In a sense, He was offended and asked to leave the premises of his creation. But we as His people can welcome Him back one heart at a time, just stay with me as I work through this.

You can find the rest of the notes for this and other sermons on our website: http://www.agnoeo-biblestudy.com/notes/2024/7/2/a-body-you-have-prepared-for-me

You can also find us on YouTube: Crossology

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