Supreme Court Won’t Hear Challenge to Illinois Ban on ‘Assault Weapons

8 months ago

Main article - Epoch: Supreme Court Won’t Hear Challenge to Illinois Ban on ‘Assault Weapons,’ Other Gun Appeals. Justice Clarence Thomas disagreed, saying he hoped the court would consider what kinds of weapons are constitutional.

Breaking News: Just announced; the Supreme Court upholds the domestic violence gun ban.

SCOTUS: "There are cases in which 2nd Amendment rights can be infringed, in this case, where you potentially pose a threat to someone else"

Justice Clarence Thomas was the only Justice to dissent in the 8-1 ruling.

This is bad news for Second Amendment supporters and bad for Hunter Biden's case!

LEGAL ALERT: Update from the Supreme Court's last conference:

1) Cases challenging federal prohibited person gun bans (Garland v. Range, USA v. Perez-Gallan, United States v. Daniels, Jackson v. United States, Vincent v. Garland, Cunningham v. USA, Doss v. United States) were GVR'd in light of Rahimi, meaning the lower courts will have to reconsider the cases and issue new decisions.

2) Antonyuk v. James, which challenges multiple aspects of New York's Bruen response bill, was also GVR'd in light of Rahimi.

3) The cert petitions in our Harrel v. Raoul lawsuit, along with the other cases challenging Illinois' "assault weapon" and magazine bans, were DENIED. Justice Alito would have granted the cert petitions. Justice Thomas wrote a statement saying that "[t]his Court is rightly wary of taking cases in an interlocutory posture. But, I hope we will consider the important issues presented by these petitions after the cases reach final judgment." These cases will continue on the merits in the district court.

You can read the orders list here:
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