Federal Agencies Will Vanish For Committing Treason & The Real President Will Return!

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The Supreme Cout of the United State (SCOTUS) overturned the Chevron Doctrine, Friday, June 28, 2024. As a result, federal agencies can no longer make up their own laws and courts can no longer defer to the agencies. This is certainly HIGH TREASON. Let all these scoundrels hang at GITMO and our freedoms, sovereignty and prosperity be restored! #RestoredRepublic #ChevronDoctrine #Treason #Maga

Supreme Court strikes down Cheveron:

Mainstream media reports on the overturn of the Chevron Doctrine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_cCTAe6k0s

Federal register (list of federal agencies): https://www.federalregister.gov/agencies

The DoD manages food to daycares, schools, prisons and hospitals, written by Mother Susan Price: https://www.americaoutloud.news/questions-arise-as-to-why-the-dod-is-involved-in-school-lunch-programs/

DOD & school lunches: https://www.dodea.edu/education/student-services/wellness/school-meal-program#:~:text=Qualified%20child%20nutrition%20professionals%20provide,available%20DoD%20Student%20Meal%20Programs.

HOA's can no longer force certain rules like whether or not to grow your own food in your own yard: https://www.tallahassee.com/story/news/local/state/2024/07/01/florida-hoa-new-law-july/74265853007/

JFK Jr. is alive! Dr. Kia Pruitt interviews JFK Jr: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T0k7j9qSbyY&t=5s

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