Return to the tables 1 to 5 of the 26 to do’s

8 months ago

Return to the tables 1 to 5 of the 26 to do’s!

No 1; stop using sodium, fluoride, G.M.O.'S & know debilitating pharmacy, suppressants

No 2; revert to creation diet, fasting & old natural health remedies.

No 3; learn narcissistic traits, control, deceptions & abuse Revaluations (start Yacovs ladder(.

No 4; Learn the law vs "LEGAL FRAUD" deceptions (lawlessness); Learn legalese language.

No 5; Learn the 3 fold deception The Cestui Que Vie Act 1666 law, status & financial debilitaions.

Restoring "man" & "Divine law".

#NWO #WHO #WEF #AGENDA21 #AGENDA2030, #Birth Certificate, #NAMEinCAPITALS, #lowercase name #legal fraud #legal entrapment, #CVQ #The Cestui Que Vie act #Divine law #The Torah #Freemasonry #Free masonic #Law vs legal #The Matrix.
Restoring "man" & "Divine law

#CQV The cestui que vie act #Legal entrapment #Birth certificate
#Law vs Legal

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